Create the Elements


  1. Go to my “Create the Elements” repository

Create the Elements Repository

  1. Click “Use this template”

  2. Name your repository “create-the-elements”

  3. Click “Create repository from template”

  4. Go to “Settings” and enable GitHub pages on “master” – “root”

  5. Open Visual Studio Code

  6. Make sure it is a new window – you can always click “File -> New Window”

  7. Click the “Explorer” button in the top left

  8. Click “Clone Repository”

  9. Click “Clone from GitHub” in the command palette

  10. Click “your-username/create-the-elements”

  11. Select a place to save the repository – I like to use a “code” folder on my computer

  12. Click “Open” in the little popup in the bottom right to open the repository

  13. Click “Go Live” in the bottom corner of Visual Studio Code

  14. Follow the directions in the HTML – you are basically reading comments I have made and typing out the appropriate elements


Once you have written all of the requested elements, push your code to GitHub and submit your live link on Sakai.

Go to Sakai